Spicy Sausage Pasta

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I don't know about you, but I am about done with all that holiday food of the past few weeks.  Today I was craving something simple.   I also wanted to use up a bit of stuff that I had leftover from the hols . . . but I didn't want it to be holiday food, if you know what I mean.  

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I had some chorizo that was left from all the finger food snacking/tapas occasions . . . and some cheddar cheese that needed using up and so I decided to torture the Toddster with some pasta . . . because as all my readers have surmised.  He only thinks he doesn't like pasta.  He usually eats it up whenever it is served and seems to enjoy it.  Methinks he doth protest too much.  'Nuff said.    

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Anyways.   I browned the chorizo in a large skillet and added onions and garlic, until everything was nicely softened and fragrant.   I then added some stock, tomatoes and pasta.  I am rather lazy (as you also know) and so I just added the pasta raw.  It cooked in the tomatoes and stalk, absorbing some of it and thickening it all up a bit.    

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I then added some richness using double cream and a bit of cheese, stirred into the mixture, just to melt it.  I tasted the sauce and I could have eaten it right then and there!  But I wanted to make it extra irristable and so I topped it with some sliced spring onions, which also needed using and which added a bit of colour and crunch . . . and more cheese.  

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I then popped it under the grill until that cheese on top started to bubble, melt and brown and then I scattered on some parsley for colour and served it up nice and hot with some crusty bread and a salad on the side.    

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Oh boy, was this ever good . . . and definitely not holiday food.   This be comfort food.  January comfort food.   Dig in!  

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*Spicy Sausage Pasta*
Serves 4 to 6, depending on appetites

I had some chorizo that was getting close to it's end and so I put it together with some pasta and a few store cupboard ingredients to make a simple, tasty and economical dish.  If you don't have any chorizo, you could use any highly spiced or smoked sausage.  

1 TBS extra virgin rapeseed oil
8 ounces of dried chorizo sausage, sliced
(Or smoked sausage, or even hotdogs)
1 medium onion, peeled and chopped
1 clove of garlic, peeled and minced
1/2 to 1 tsp easy chilies (depending on
how hot and spicy you want it to be)
450ml of hot vegetable stock (2 cups)
400g tin of chopped tomatoes in tomato juice, undrained (10 oz tin)
125ml of double cream (1/2 cup)
1/2 pound of curly pasta (I used Fiorelli), uncooked
salt and black pepper to taste
120g of strong cheddar cheese, grated and divided (1 cup)
4 spring onions, thinly sliced 
chopped flat leaf parsley  

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Heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat.  Add the sausage slices and cook, stirring occasionally, until beginning to brown and turn golden.   Tip in the onions and allow them to soften without browning, again stirring from time to time.   Add the garlic and cook, stirring until quite fragrant.  Stir in the easy chilies, stock, tomatoes and pasta.   Bring to the boil, then reduce to a slow simmer, cover and allow to cook for 15 to 20 minutes, until the pasta is tender.  (Start checking at 15)  At the end of that time, stir in half of the cheese, allowing it to melt.  Stir in the cream.

Preheat the grill to high.  Scatter the remainder of the cheese and the spring onions on top.   Place under the grill until the cheese is melted and bubbling and golden in places.  Remove from the heat, scatter with the chopped parsley and serve immediately.   Delicious!

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