Quick Pizza Rolls

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These are busy days when there never seems to be enough hours in the day to get the things done that you really want to get done and this is only the beginning of the Holiday Season!  Just wait a week or two and everything is going to be really crazy!

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Busy days like this are when it's nice to have something quick and easy up your sleeve that you can rustle up at the drop of a hat for lunch or supper.  Something quick like these Quick Pizza Rolls.  If you have a tin of croissant dough in the fridge, you have a meal, be it breakfast, lunch or dinner!

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I don't know about your kids, but mine were always crazy about pizza or anything that even remotely  resembled a pizza, and things like this were high on their list of favourites.   Back home you could buy frozen pizza pockets and pizza rolls, and they liked them, but I think it's even better if you can rustle up something similar yourself.

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Something which they will still like but isn't loaded with too much junk.  With a tiny bit of ingenuity you may even create something which is better than those frozen things.  I have used the tinned croissant rolls here and a mix of cooked bacon, onions, olives, mushrooms, garlic and sun dried tomatos, all chopped pretty fine.  The only cheese is a light spread of roasted pepper cream cheese along with a light dusting of parmesan on the outsides.

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They were quick to make, delicious to eat and quite filling.  You can vary the fillings as desired, to reflect your own desires and tastes.  This is just a basic recipe that you can really feel free to run with.   They would also make a delicious light main dish when served up with a bowl of hot tomato soup!   Enjoy!

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*Quick Pizza Rolls*
Makes six
This is an easy recipe that is a real kid pleaser, using refrigerated croissant rolls. 

1 package of refrigerated croissant rolls
3 slices of streaky bacon, finely chopped
3 large closed cup mushrooms, chopped
1/2 small red onion, finely chopped
1 small clove of garlic, peeled and minced
4 sun dried tomatoe halved chopped
1 dessertspoon of basil pesto
6 pitted green olives, chopped
6 black olives, chopped
flavoured cream cheese (I used roasted pepper)
Oil spray and finely grated parmesan cheese  

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Pre-heat the oven to 200*C/400*F/ gas mark 6. 

Place the bacon into a skillet along with the mushrooms and onions.  Cook, stirring until the bacon is cooked through and the onions and mushrooms have softend and begun to turn golden brown.  Stir in the garlic and cook for 30 seconds longer.  Remove from the heat and allow to cool somewhat.  Stir in the chopped tomatoes, olives and basil pesto.  Mix well.

Unroll your croissant dough.  Spread some cream cheese down the centre of each, leaving a border all around.  Spoon some of the bacon mixture down the centre of each, again leaving a border.  (Don't be too generous or you will have blow outs!)  Roll up from the large end, sealing the edges and twisting the ends.  Place onto a baking paper lined baking sheet.  Spritz each one with some cooking spray and dust with Parmesan cheese.   Bake in the heated oven for 10 to 15 minutes, until golden brown and cooked through.  Serve warm.

Note:  The cans of regrigerated croissants over here are more like real croissants and come six to a can.   You can use the refrigerated ones over in America, but they may not look the same.  Alternatively, you could split baked croissants and fill with the filling and then wrap in foil and heat through.  (In which case you may need to double the filling ingredients!)

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