Be Inspired by the Great British Bake Off

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Be Inspired by the Great British Bake Off

With the final of the Great British Bake Off still in the forefront of our minds, many of us are going to miss our weekly fix of bread, cake and pie making. But just because this year’s series has ended it doesn’t mean that we can no longer enjoy the thrill of baking up a storm in the kitchen. You could even try to make your own Sue Perkins jokes to really feel in the GBBO mood. Now to decide what to bake…

Learn Your Skill

All of us have a love for different foods and that doesn’t just begin and end with the eating. Experiment with recipes for a variety of breads, cakes and pies to find what you really enjoy baking. If you want to specialise in cakes then maybe try wedding cakes, cupcakes or crazy creations! If you enjoy every aspect of baking and seem to have an all-round flare then you can start to experiment which is all part of the fun.

Recipes to Try

There are thousands upon thousands of recipes to try out and many of these can be found on the internet. However, it is always nice to buy a cook book and work your way through the pages as a sort of challenge. I found a great recipe courtesy of the BBC Good Food site for ‘The Ultimate Quiche Lorraine’. Now as a huge fan of quiche I have to say this one is next on my list to bake.

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Take Inspiration

There are so many great chefs out there who have a passion for baking. Lorraine Pascal is a favourite in our house as she makes simple recipes that taste good. Mary Berry has and always will be an inspiration to many of us not just since her time as a judge on the Great British Bake Off. Hugh Fearnley-Whittingshall is one for the organic lovers within the baking community.

Be Ambitious

If you are just starting out baking you will want to learn the basics before you take on any major recipes. But once you have the ground knowledge then you can take on as much as you like! You will acquire skill through practice so test yourself and try something you would not have been able to do before.  It could turn out to be terrible, but treat trying new recipes as a learning curve. You may not feel confident trying Mary Berry's Charlotte Royale but there is no harm in giving it a go!    

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Have Fun!

The main part of baking is to have fun and also to be able to develop your skills. But do not worry if it doesn’t always go to plan as this is part of the experience. Frances from this year’s series didn’t always win star baker or even make it into the top 3 but she got there eventually. Get the family involved and bake with your children as this is a great way for them to expand their imagination and get creative. Plus, if it doesn’t go to plan you can always order some cupcakes or nip to the shop to buy a pie, so at least you’ll still get to eat something at the end.  

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This post was written by Amy Bennett who has developed a love of baking from this year’s series. However, it doesn’t seem to go to plan and she is often turning to The Little Cupcake Company. They deliver delicious cupcakes

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