SPICED PUMPKIN FRITTERS with a Vanilla Caramel Sauce

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 I got really lucky this year.  Aldi (which is one of the cheaper grocery stores) had tinned pumpkin on special a month or so back.  I was so excited.  It can sometimes be a really difficult ingredient to find on the cheap over here in the UK.  Normally you pay over the odds for it, if you can find it.  (I have had success in Waitrose and Sainsbury's and of course there is Skyco as well.)  

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So anyways, they had it in Aldi for a really reasonable price and I loaded up on it!  I think I bought 24 tins, much to Todd's embarassment and chagrin!  But then, I am a North American and I love pumpkin!  I think I am converting him to the idea as well.  

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Especially when I make him such deliciousness as these fabulous Pumpkin Fritters.  They are delightful little light spicy puffs of pumpkin!  And that sauce . . . oh baby.  It is fabulous!
Of course if you can't find the tinned pumpkin puree, you can make your own.  There is a great recipe for a roasted one here.  And of course there is another good version on the BBC food site.    

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 Simple to make, just stir all the ingredients together and drop them into hot fat, cooking them until they are puffed and golden brown.  Just make sure you fat isn't too hot as you don't want the outsides to cook too fast, or your insides will be raw, and you don't want that!  

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The sauce is gorgeous.   Rich and caramel flavoured with just the hint of vanilla.  So delicious together.  And you can refrigerate any leftover sauce for on ice cream or pancakes even.   Scrummo!!  

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Oh, and don't worry about the leftover pumpkin.  I am going to tell you something delicious to do with that tomorrow! 

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*Spiced Pumpkin Fritters with a Vanilla Caramel Sauce*
Makes about 20 fritters
Little puffs of pumpkin moreishness.  Need I say more?
For the fritters:
140g of plain flour (1 cup)
180g of pumpkin puree (1 cup)
2 tsp baking powder
2 TBS golden caster sugar
2 tsp mixed spice (see recipe in side bar)
1/4 tsp ground cardamom
1 large free range egg, beaten
65ml of milk (1/4 cup)
pinch of fine sea salt
hot sunflower oil for frying
icing sugar for dusting

For the Sauce:
150g of soft brown muscovado sugar (3/4 cup packed)
225ml of double cream (1 cup)
3 TBS butter
125ml of golden syrup (1/2 cup)
1 tsp vanilla paste
pinch sea salt

To make the fritters, whisk together the dry ingredients until thoroughly combined.  Whisk together the egg and milk.  Add to the dry ingredients and whisk together until you have a thick smooth batter.
Begin the sauce so that it can cook while you make the fritters.  Combine all of the ingredients in a medium saucepan.  Bring to the boil, whisking constantly, then reduce to low and cook for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally until the sauce is thick and glossy. 

Heat 1 inch of oil in a medium deep skillet until hot.  A cube of bread should brown in 30 seconds.  Using two teaspoons, scoop balls of the batter and carefully drop them into the hot fat.   Fry until they are golden brown all over, turning them as needed.  Remove with a slotted spoon to drain on paper kitchen toweling.  Keep warm.  Repeat until all the batter has been used.

To serve place the warm fritters on a plate and dust with icing sugar.  Pass the warm syrup for pouring over top.

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